Showing posts with label holga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holga. Show all posts


p-jackie-amy, originally uploaded by oladybug0.

My boyfriend is lovely and in addition to the Holga, he bought me a sweet little Fuji Mini Polaroid Camera, which takes the cutest little instant photos in the world.

The Flickr set includes my girl Friday's birthday, a trip to Toronto (and the lovely Crystal) and some lovely London times.

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Holga/ Take 1

chair-cat-toronto, originally uploaded by oladybug0.

When we were in Toronto in July, Dan bought be a Holga camera. One that takes real film!

I had a little issue of the glue behind the foamy bit on the inside rubbing off so some of the photos are a little spotty. Still, the delayed gratification of waiting to see the outcome of a photograph is pretty great and something I am pretty unused to feeling.

They aren't all beauties, but you can check out my first attempt at Holg-ing on Flickr.

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